Monday, 15 December 2014

The number song

Here I leave a video to sing with the children and learn the numbers

Thursday, 11 December 2014

Online activities LEARN ENGLISH

They are games, activities, songs, multimedia exercises, ... English for Kindergarten, Primary and Secondary. (if Interested to enter click the name of the web)

British Council: LearnEnglish Kids has many games, songs, yactividades online and free stories for children can have fun while learning English. (Early Childhood and Primary).

Many games, activities, .. to learn English MEC of Spain. (Early Childhood Education)

Section for the little BBC. (Early Childhood and Primary).

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Storytelling 2

Hello dear listeners, the storytelling of that yesterday we were talking parea adding activities performed before and after the story. In this way children grasp concepts better.



-      Whole class

-     Coloured pieces of cardboard: blue, yellow, purple, pink, black, grey, green, orange, white and red.

Before telling the story we show the children a song in order familiarize them with the name of the different colours that they are going to listen during the narration. The song is as follows:

“Red, orange, blue and green, blue and green.
Red, orange blue and green, blue and green.
Black, white, grey, purple yellow and pink.
Red, orange blue and green, blue and green.”

The lyrics have been adapted to the melody of “Head, shoulders, knees and toes” song, which can be listened in the following link:

Firstly, pieces of cardboard of different colours are given to the students and, at the same time, those same colours are exposed in the whiteboard. The idea is to sing the song asking them to raise their colour as it is named. The colours in the whiteboard are a support for the teacher, who can point them in order to make it easy to follow the song.



-      Whole class

-     Big black piece of cloth with five holes to put the faces in

Previously, during the storytelling, the teacher introduces the feelings as they appear in the story. In order to do it, he or she uses an elephant face with a hole in the middle to show his or her different feelings through the face expressions.
After telling the tale, making use of a big black piece of cloth with five holes, children have to put inside their faces to work feelings. The teacher calls them in groups of five and whispers each of them the feeling they have to show to their classmates. Then they have to guess how they are or who is showing a specific feeling.


-      Individual

-     Elephant mask made with white cardboard
-     Coloured finger paints

The activity consists of a colour dictation in which children decorate their own mask.
Each student has an elephant mask made with white cardboard and finger paint of the different colours that have been worked in class. Following the teacher’s instructions, they have to pay attention and decorate their mask with fingerprints. For example: “Put your finger in the red colour. Now show me your red finger please. Ok! Fantastic! Now print three red points in Elmer. Come on, count with me: one, two and three.” This way, we can work numbers and colours. After dictating them various combinations of numbers and colours, the teacher allows the students to continue decorating freely their masks. 

Tuesday, 9 December 2014


A very dynamic and fun to perform with students is a storytelling activity.
Here you have a storytelling we do in class.

The tale we have chosen for the storytelling is “Elmer”, by David McKee. The story has been adapted to the level to which it is focused as it is shown below.

NARRATOR: There was once a herd of elephants (we show them a drawing of a herd of elephants). Some elephants were tall (we show them a picture of a tall elephant and make them repeat the word “tall”). Other elephants were short (we show them a picture of a short elephant and make them repeat the word “short”). Some other elephants were fat (we show them a picture of a fat elephant and make them repeat the word “fat”) and some others were thin (we show them a picture of a thin elephant and make them repeat the word “thin”. After that, we ask them to stand up and imitate our movements walking through the class as if they where tall, short, fat and thin elephants. Then, we ask them to sit down and continue with the narration).
All the elephants were different but all were happy (we show them a happy face and ask them to show us how happy they are) and all were grey. But Elmer was different.

ELMER: Hello! I am Elmer! And I am different. I am not elephant colour. I am not grey.
I am yellow (we ask the children who have the yellow colour to raise it and go to the whiteboard and stick it on the mural of Elmer) and orange, and red, and pink, and purple, and blue, and green, and black, and white (we repeat the same procedure for the rest of the colours).
But I am not happy. I am sad (we ask our students to show us show how sad they are).
I want to be grey, like the rest of the elephants. I don’t want all these colours.

NARRATOR: One morning, Elmer walked and walked and walked through the jungle. Elmer met other animals. Elmer met a lion (one of us is wearing a mask of a lion and imitates its sound). The lion was yellow and orange.

LION: Good morning, Elmer (We ask the children to say good morning to the lion).

NARRATOR: Then, Elmer met a snake (one of us is wearing a mask of a snake and imitates its sound). The snake was green and yellow.

SNAKE: Good morning, Elmer (We ask the children to say good morning to the snake).

NARRATOR: Then, Elmer met a parrot (one of us is wearing a mask of a parrot and imitates its sound). The parrot was red and blue.

PARROT: Good morning, Elmer (We ask the children to say good morning to the parrot).

NARRATOR: And Elmer walked and walked and walked…

ELMER: Look! This is a tree. It is a tall tree. It is a tall tree with grey fruits. There are lots of grey fruits. Let’s count with me: one, two, three, four, five... (Then Elmer takes some fruit and rubs it over his body and face). Fantastic! I am grey now! Where are my colours? I have no yellow, no orange, no red, no pink, no purple, no blue, no green, no black and I have no white (we ask some volunteers to remove all the colours from the mural of Elmer).

NARRATOR: On his way back through the jungle, Elmer met the lion, the snake and the parrot. (We use the animal masks again to act it).

LION: Good morning, elephant.

SNAKE: Good morning, elephant.

PARROT: Good morning, elephant.

NARRATOR: Then, Elmer was back with the other elephants. But the elephants didn’t recognise Elmer because he was grey (the elephants look at each other and ask: “Where is Elmer? Where is Elmer? Can you see Elmer? I can’t see Elmer”). The elephants were sad because they couldn’t see Elmer. But, suddenly, it started to rain (we use a cloud with drops of rain falling down and put it above Elmer). And the rain removed the grey colour from Elmer. And all his colours started to show again: yellow and orange, and red, and pink, and purple, and blue, and green, and black, and white (we stick the colours on Elmer again). Now all the elephants were happy to see Elmer. They celebrated a party (the elephants sing and dance and ask the children to join them and dance as well).

(Once the story is finished we explain the children the moral of the story. We all are different. Some are tall, some others are short, and others are fat or thin. Our eyes colour is different too. But you, and you, and you, have to be happy just the way you are and accept your differences because you are simply especial).

The materials used during the acting are:
  •            Animals masks: lion, snake, parrot and Elmer
  •       -   Elephants drawings: tall, short, fat and thin
  •           Big mural of Elmer
  •           A tree drawing with removable fruits
  •          A rainy cloud drawing
  •           Pieces of cardboard of different colours
  •           Reusable adhesive

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

The story Engine

The engine story is a widely used educational resource in Child Eucacion and is very good for doing in class. An example below we have now.

There was once a group of hackers calling themselves the ducks.

One morning we got all of our beds (making arm movements as they are cleared and are off the ground).

We set off to do things: get the anchor of water (movement of the arms up and down bowing slightly). Also deploy the sails (arm movement up and down).

We were sailing on the ocean when we find an island (put a hand to her forehead in a gesture of looking to the horizon).

Once we reached land we dropped anchor (movements up and down bowing slightly). We got off the boat (to jump with both feet together). We ran into a great forest, we decided we were going to investigate but found a major obstacle preventing us from walking (sliding along the ground like snakes).

After passing under the bar of a large trunk decided to go to the forest (movements of the arms and legs coordinating as a soldier).

Suddenly we have a lot of snakes by following us had to go back and run (run by children). Once we reached a clearing we found a cross on which he had a map telling them that there was a treasure but had a curse that was necessary to overcome to pass a series of tests.
The first test was to jump very large rocks (take three jumps with feet together). After passing the first test we had to pass through a wooden bridge to the side is a cliff (step over a bench). We had already passed both tests and were very tired but we still had three tests done. The third test was to go on burning coals (children are). The fourth test was to pass under a stick that was in the forest (crawl from one side to another). The last test was to overcome some stones that were separate and stepped on them but you fell vacuum (jump from one ring to another).

After passing the tests started digging with shovels we had brought (moving arms up and down with folded hands). After finishing the hole we had to get inside (squatting and walking). Within the treasure was and had to make a lot of force to get it out (arm movement from left to right).

Once removed the treasure we went to the boat and headed west where our house was and where we would treasure for the poor.

Aquí os propongo algunas actividades para niños de 2 a 8 años para ...

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

English space

For teaching English at an early age must provide a space physical every classroom to the location of the corner of English as a corner in which the children can play and learn topics related to English in this stage.

The common elements necessary for the corner of English may be the following:
-  Weekdays.
-  Months.
- Climatological time.
-  How are you today?
-  Colors.
-  Numbers.

All these issues allow us to work in parallel with the English themselves contents of Early Childhood Education at the time of assembly, plus many are working basis for other activities and are quite motivating.

This corner can be decorated with a nice sign that put "ENGLISH CORNER "(English Corner). It will serve to hang all work to develop children in English, for games, do any daily routine in this language and greet the morning giving us good morning: GOOD MORNING! (Good morning) or goodbye: GOOD BYE! (Bye Bye).

Also we will use it to learn new words and review and learned, always trying to do the same manner as in Spanish. by example, if every morning we review the days of the week in Spanish and say what day it is, one day a week can do it in English. all these Themes allow us to work in parallel English with proper content Spanish at the time of assembly.

Actividades En el kinder Juan Aldama

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

The months of the year

Here I leave a video in which we can practice the months of the year. It is very important to practice with children through the repetition of phonemes. A very important resource to consider are the songs. These are very catchy and are easy to learn.